There is only one true living Elohim (God) - YHVH - Yahoveh
YHVH is revealed in three primary ways:
  1. Creation:  the heavens proclaim His Glory. 
  2. Written Revelation:  the Word is sharper than a two-edged sword, able to divide asunder soul and spirit. 
  3. His only begotten and beloved Son in whom He is well pleased.  And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.  All things were created by Him, for Him, and for His good pleasure. Yahoveh was in Yeshua redeeming the whole of creation and humanity back to Himself.  Yeshua is our Passover Lamb shedding His own blood as a sacrifice for whosoever believes.  Yeshua is our High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek with His own blood atoning for all our sin and iniquity. He is NOW and forevermore our one and only Mediator to the Father with a new and better covenant.  
The Church (Part 1)
There is only one church: His Bride, His Church, His Body, created by Messiah Yeshua.

The Church is His Temple:  A Temple in which He is building.  Those of us who believe are distinct members being jointly fit together and He is the cornerstone.  It is a House of Prayer whereby when two or more are gathered in His name and nature He also is there.  Anytime, anywhere, and in any place we are afforded the means and where-with-all to press in before Him, in His presence. As often as we gather together and break bread we should do so in remembrance of Him.  We should be continually in remembrance of Him.    

As His followers and disciples we are to be immersed in Him.  It is our responsibility to draw near and to abide. If we do so He is faithful to reveal all truth to us, and as a result of knowing the truth we shall grow in liberty.  If He sets you free you shall be free indeed. It is for freedom He set you free.

We are to act as though we are in unity until we come to the fullness of this unified body. This is His will for His Church.

The Church (Part 2)

Yeshua started and founded the Church. Upon this rock, the Rock of Revelation, I will build My House of Prayer (Isaiah 56: 7, Jeremiah 7:11, Matthew 21:13).  Yeshua has always and still remains today in the midst of His Church; caring for His Church, administering to His Church, exhorting His Church, as well as admonishing His Church.

The institutionalized church, built and governed by humanity in much of the earth, is run down and in need of revival and reformation.  It is broken and has lost its efficacy.  It has lost its salt.  What is to be done when the salt has lost it savor?  Throw it out and go get some more. (See Matthew 5:13).  Salt is good and we are in need of new.  (See Mark 9:50)  Another way of looking at the solution for this circumstance is to consider what is to be done when the old wine runs out or becomes stale.  Make new wine.  That will require new wineskins. (See Matthew 9:17, Mark 2:22, Luke 5:37).

Hill Country Hebraic Community- My Hebraic Community-is a New Wineskin.  We love the old skin but see the need for the new.  My Hebraic Community also has a prophetic vision for the new wineskin which is based upon the fulfillment of the prophesy in Ezekiel 38: 15-20:  two sticks becoming one.

Prophetic Vision
Without it the people cast off all restraint

The "hebraic movement" an undisputed occurance is either a further schisming of the Protestant Reformation or is a Soveriegn Working of His Spirit and can be seen and understood in Prophectic Scripture.  The leadership of Hill Country Hebraic Community; My Hebraic Community believes the latter to be true.  And intends to teach in detail the prophect revelation as the community grows and unifies in its foundation beliefs. See SPDY, The Simplicity and Purity of Devotion to Yeshua.